英文摘要 |
The four-volume edition of the Lüshi chunqiu 呂氏春秋 collated by Wang Niansun 王念孫 is now preserved in the Academia Sinica’s Fu Ssu-nien Library 傅斯年圖書館. First cited by Xu Weiyu 許維遹 in his Lüshi chunqiu jishi 呂氏春秋集釋 in the 1930s, this paper examines Wang’s original collated edition for the first time, and by comparing its content with Xu’s extracts from it, finds that nearly 40 percent of Wang’s collated edition was not used by Xu. Therefore, I believe a complete review of the book is necessary. Taking into account its full contents, this paper attempts to evaluate the significance of the work more comprehensively from perspectives such as textual criticism, semantics, and Wang Niansun research. I suggest that the book provides us with a more reliable edition, helping us to more accurately comprehend the Lüshi chunqiu and Gao You’s 高誘 annotation, and also first-hand material for research into Wang’s scholarship of the Lüshi Chunqiu. Also included is a discussion of the deficiencies of the book. |