中文摘要 |
本定量法條採用二甲酚法,將硝酸塩、亞硝酸塩於酸性下分別與,2,6-二甲酚反應,就所得生成物4-硝基-2,6-二甲酚,4-亞硝基-2,6-二甲酚以氯仿抽出後,再利用高效液相層析法分離定量。其高效液相層析條件為:以μ-Porasil (10μm,4mm I.D. x 250mm) 層析柱為固定相,以氯仿─醋酸(99.5:0.5)為移動相,檢出器之紫外光波長為310nm。就市售保色劑及市售肉製品利用本定量法進行檢測,結果以市售保色劑普德粉之配方製成之檢體作回收實驗時,所得平均回收率為硝酸鉀99.1%,亞硝酸納99.54%,至於食品部份,由香腸檢體作回收實驗,所得平均回收率為硝酸塩95.0-101.0%,亞硝酸塩99.0-100.0%,本方法之檢出限量為NO3-N 0.2μg/ml,NO2-N 0.02μg/ml,為一精確迅速、簡便可行之分析方法。 |
英文摘要 |
Determination of nitrate and nitrite using xylenol method was studied. It is based on the formation of 4-nitro-2,6-xylenol by the reaction of nitrate with 2,6-xylehol, and the formation of 4-nitroso:2,6-xylenol by the reaction of nitrite with 2,6-xylenol. These two products were extracted with chloroform and simultaneously analyzed by mesans of high performance liquid chromatography with a UV detector (310nm) and a , µ-porasil column with chloroform: acetic acid (99.5: 0.5) as the mobile phase. The recoveries from sausage were 95.0~101.0% for nitrate and 99.0~100.07 for nitrite. The detection limits for nitrate nitrogen and for nitrite nitrogen were 0.2 and 0.02µg/ml, respectively. The methed is rapid and the results were reproducible. |