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臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

On the Implementation of Aesthetic Education and Reform of the Existing Situation in Changhua Elementary School
作者 閻瑞珍 (Ruey-Jen Yan)
Aesthetic education is closely related to arts education. An arts education is at the core of aesthetic education as aesthetic qualities including the beauty of knowledge, skills and affective (attitudes and habits), must be accumulated through long-term aesthetic results and experience arising from internalization. “The basic concept of ” national primary and secondary schools in 82 years nine-year syllabus “arts and humanities” fields of study also clearly reveals “art is the crystallization of human culture, is one of the focuses of life ...... arts learning can promote, link and integrate with other areas of learning” (Ministry of Education, 2008: 225), which shows the beauty of education must be integrated into the teaching and learning activities in various fields, is the direction of the education staff clearly established. Many school principals under successive efforts to continue to promote programs and activities related to aesthetic education, first completed in the Ming era principals and principals chijenkun, they emphasize the beauty of education must be to show the virtues; Cai Lingling president’s tenure, to encourage students to develop aesthetic perception; Su Jinxing principals will combine ecological aesthetics and aesthetic education courses related to ecology scholar Li Xiao invited schoolchildren guidance relevant biological knowledge; Ke Wenji promote diverse school art classes, aesthetic education and art education will do a full show; Zhu Zhihua president continues tradition and the president’s efforts to carry forward the first few results, and do in-depth extension of aesthetic education. The author and the promotion of education in most countries, with the domestic aesthetic aesthetic education of comparison, and later to Guangqian's aesthetic theory as a foundation, the author stated that the purpose of aesthetic education, in fact, not only allow students to pursue a life at stake, but also There is another view on life, the pursuit of spiritual experience of freedom, pluralism thought, beauty, beautify life, make life better and more abundance.
起訖頁 55-77
關鍵詞 美感教育藝術教育朱光潛美學Aesthetic Educationart EducationGuangqian Aesthetics
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201512 (29:2期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 《孟子》在語文教育上的運用──談情意培養方面




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