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A Study on the Influencing Factors of Consumers M-Commerce Shopping Intention in China
作者 吳章瑤
近年來,全球行動商務使用人數,呈現急劇成長趨勢,行動設備業者,無不竭盡所能提供各式各樣加值服務,以滿足形形色色消費者的需求,但究竟這些服務及附加功能對消費者而言,是否能引起消費者使用意圖?究竟那些因素會影響消費者使用意究採便利抽樣,使用調查研究方法進行資料收集,樣本來源選擇中國消費者為主要研究採便利抽樣,使用調查研究方法進行資料收集,樣本來源選擇中國消費者為主要研究對象,針對行動商務消費族群進行問卷調查研究,使用SPSS for Windows 12.0及SmartPLS等軟體,進行各項統計分析。本研究之研究目的:(1) 利用信任、隱私顧慮、知覺不確定、網路自我效能相關變數,探討影響行動商務購物使用意圖之主要關鍵因素。(2) 以中國消費者為研究對象,進行了解中國消費者利用行動設備購物之意圖分析。(3) 提供實務界,未來針對中國消費者推出產品或服務時,需注意的參考指標;同時提供學術界未來的研究者一個參考的依據。本研究貢獻,提供行動商務業者,未來推出行動商務相關功能時,須事先考量消費者的隱私顧慮及知覺不確定性,將消費者所顧慮的問題降到最低,才能獲得消費者的青睞,進而增加行動商務業者之營業效益。
In recent years, the people all over the world using mobile commerce show rapid growth almost every year. The mobile devices with the general business phone features do the best to provide a wide range of value-added services. But whether these services and additional functionality meet for users’ requirements? What factors will affect the users’ intentions to use the mobile commerce? Those research questions bear a lot of large business opportunities and deserve academia and practitioners to study in depth. This study employed SPSS for Windows 12.0, and SmartPLS to validate the measurement model and structural model of the research. This purpose of this study is to explore the factors influencing consumers to use mobile commerce shopping intentions, such as 'trust', 'privacy concerns', 'perceived uncertainty', 'Internet self-efficacy' as the impact factors. The study employed survey research and sampled subjects from China via convenience sampling. The questionnaires were sent by postage or by e-mail attachment. The contribution of this study for academic is to provide future researchers the main key factors impacting on the shopping intentions for mobile business consumers. The contribution for the practitioners can provide mobile commerce industry to launch mobile commerce shopping functions.
起訖頁 63-81
關鍵詞 行動商務信任隱私顧慮知覺不確定網路自我效能mobile commercetrustprivacy concernsperceived uncertaintyInternet self-efficacy
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201603 (14:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 關係行銷對消費者態度與行為意向的影響--網路產品類型的干擾效果
該期刊-下一篇 網路購物平台之選擇決策




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