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Analysis of Competitive Strategy for Third-party Payment Service Industry: The Perspective of Financial Banking Industry
作者 陳欽雨葉承達宋俊慶
The third-party payment (TPP) not only provides a convenient and reliable transaction model, but also stimulates E-commerce progress, and even boosts transaction volume for model, but also stimulates E-commerce progress, and even boosts transaction volume for in TPP network transactions to cooperate with the TPP service providers in terms of system implementation and business strategy. To analyze the competitive strategy of banking industry for developing their TPP business, the study selects a case bank as research target, From the viewpoints of banking industry, the study intends to explore the development and progress of TPP industry and to understand their e-payment models. Besides, the study analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, and potential problems of TPP industry. Further, the research discusses the transaction experiences, co-opetition relationships, and responding strategies when a bank faces the competition from TPP service providers. The findings reveal that there are unique characteristics of Taiwan’s TPP operations model which consumers generally rely on the model for fulfilling transaction assurance. Hence, the banking industry should strengthen the cooperation relations with TPP service providers so as to create a win-win status. Based on the results, the study explains the managerial implications and proposes some suggestions for practitioners and further research.
起訖頁 33-60
關鍵詞 第三方支付電子商務線上支付third-party paymentE-commerceonline payment
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201503 (13:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 整合社群網絡之多準則餐廳推薦系統 整合社群網絡之多準則餐廳推薦系統
該期刊-下一篇 樂當低頭族?智慧型手機行動 應用程式之使行為與孤寂感的關聯




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