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應用Open Data於學院學生之地理分佈:以系層級招生為例
Application of Open Data on the Geographical Distribution of College Students: An Example at Department-level
作者 孫秉良吳錦波趙立本
Government administration spent huge funds in the process of collecting large amounts of data. Proper application of those data can generate great profits. Open Data policy systematically provide lots of data, providing information for solving problems through processing and analysis of the data. This paper discusses the application of the open data of schools at all levels provided by the Ministry of Education and our own student data. Research procedures are as follows: discuss enrollment issues at the Department meeting, define and analyze problems and to establish data requirements, acquire the open source data and internal student data, check the data status for editing, association, and then integrate the data with geography information systems. Based on the geographic distribution of existing students to infer the location of the possible student sources, the study found that the boundary of the town-level could be, in addition to the school, another target to pursuit. In addition, with the user experience and service operations in contact, the in-depth engagement can make the job of student recruitment more effective.
起訖頁 301-317
關鍵詞 開放資料招生空間資料地理資訊系統open datastudent recruitmentspatial datageographic information system
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201409 (12:3期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 政府開放資料的策略與挑戰:使用者觀點的分析
該期刊-下一篇 開放資料應用於行動惡意程式分析研究




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