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食品藥物研究年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Survey on Hydroquinone, Mercury, Tretinoin and Steroids of Marketed cosmetics from Taiwan Medical Beauty Clinics
作者 傅孝瑜黃守潔陳玉盆周秀冠陳惠芳
為瞭解醫美診所販售之化粧品是否有違法攙加化粧品中禁止使用之對苯二酚、維他命A酸、汞鹽及Betamethasone、Clobetasol propionate、Cortisone acetate、Dexamethasone phosphate、Dexamethasone、Hydrocortisone、Methylprednisolone、Prednisolone、Prednisone及Triamcinolone等類固醇成分,食藥署於104年1月至12月間,委由直轄市及各縣市衛生局赴轄區內醫美診所處進行美白產品之抽驗,抽得市售化粧品共60件。其中,國產品佔37件,輸入品佔20件,其餘3件未標示產地,結果60件檢體均未檢出上述成分。在外盒包裝或容器標示檢查方面,不符合規定者計有27件(佔45%),不符合之項目以未標示「用途」12件最多,相關檢驗結果提供行政管理單位參考,期能確保市售產品品質。
Hydroquinone, mercury, tretinoin and steroids are chemicals forbidden to be used as cosmetic ingredients by law. To investigate the presence of such chemicals in the cosmetic produces in medical beauty clinics, the local health authorities were commissioned by TFDA to randomly collect 60 samples from medical beauty clinics from January to December, 2015. Among these 60 samples, 37 were domestic products, 20 were imported and 3 were not clearly labeled with manufactures' information. In the analytical tests, none of above-mentioned additives were detected in all samples. As for the labelling of the package or container, 27 (45%) failed to comply with labeling regulations, therein 12 were not labeled with "Usage", the most common violation. These surveillance findings were forwarded to administration units as reference for further correction actions to ensure the product quality.
起訖頁 200-209
關鍵詞 化粧品對苯二酚維他命A酸汞鹽類固醇cosmeticshydroquinonemercurytretinoinsteroids
刊名 食品藥物研究年報  
期數 201612 (7期)
出版單位 衛生福利部食品藥物管理署
該期刊-上一篇 化粧品中局部麻醉劑成分檢驗方法之建立
該期刊-下一篇 市售化粧品中甲基異噻唑啉酮及甲基氯異噻唑啉酮等成分之品質監測




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