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The Role of Inverted Configuration in Chinese Characters and the Interpretation of Ancient Characters
作者 范麗梅
This study considers the problematic character (木甫) that occurs in the Guodian 郭店 manuscript "Taiyi sheng shui" 太一生水. An analysis of this character's visual forms, textual variants and the contexts in which it appears, suggests that 楠simultaneously carries the meanings of the characters 薄 and 映 via the respective phonetic loan characters 甫 and 央. 薄 and 映 are in turn related to 搏 and 攖, which, via the phonetic gloss 毄, can be interpreted as 擊and 繫, a conceptual pair rooted in ancient cosmological thought with the parallel meanings “approach/draw near" and "intersect." Such usage is evident in "Taiyi sheng shui," and is further attested to by the expression 嬰薄 that occurs in the "Yao lüe" (要略An Overview of the Essentials) chapter of the "Huainanzi" 准南子, and by the expressions 感薄 and 擊命 that occur in Zhang Heng's 張衡 "Ling xian" (靈憲Spiritual Constitution of the Universe). In the course of the discussion, the character □ in the "Laozi B" manuscript from Guodian is also considered.
起訖頁 195-226
關鍵詞 郭店楚簡太一生水老子宇宙觀出土文獻Guodian manuscriptsTaiyi sheng shui太一生水"Laozi"老子cosmologyexcavated texts
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201506 (33:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 漢字倒寫構形與古文字的釋讀
該期刊-下一篇 永明詩學的另一面向--「文」的形構




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