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Imperial Directives in the Reign of Song Renzong: Institution, Politics and Narrative
作者 丁義珏
Imperial directives (內降 neijiang) were a prominent phenomenon in the reign of the Northern Song dynasty emperor Renzong 宋仁宗. Past scholars have taken this term as referring to official orders issued by the emperor bypassing the normal administrative channels and interpreted the political significance of such imperial directives in terms of a conflict between imperial power and bureaucratic government. Closer examination reveals that this understanding is largely shaped by the historical narrative of the late Northern to Southern Song. Administratively speaking, the term neijiang can refer to edicts written on behalf of the emperor and delivered to the Secretariat (中書 Zhongshu), Bureau of Military Affairs (樞密院 Shumiyuan) and other government agencies. However, the concentration of internal directives issued during the reign of Renzong has a deeper political significance. By this time, neijiang has come to refer to any communication with the inner court through unusual channels that results in the issue of an imperial edict; what this chiefly reflects is the existence of a struggle between two opposing political factions. Though Fan Zhongyan 范仲淹 and other officials in his camp who fiercely criticized imperial directives turn out to be on the losing side, it is their knowledge and interpretation of politics that have more deeply influenced the subsequent historical view of this period, and even obscured the historical truth. This shift that occurred in the focus of the historical narrative has shaped our understanding of this period of history right down to the present.
起訖頁 65-92
關鍵詞 內降內批宋仁宗范仲淹宋代制度neijiang內降neipi內批Song Renzong宋仁宗Fan Zhongyan范仲淹Song dynastyadministrative system
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201212 (30:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 智門光祚語錄之研究
該期刊-下一篇 豐臣秀吉侵略朝鮮期間日軍在朝鮮半島之築城--以日本史料為核心




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