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Qing Dynasty Production of Commercially-Printed Preparation Aids for the 'Four Books' Examination
作者 沈俊平
During the Qing dynasty, the civil service examination was divided into three parts, with greater weight given to the first part. Accordingly, candidates spent most of their time preparing to write essays on Zhu Xi's 朱熹 ”Sishu zhangju jizhu” (四書章句集註Collected Commentaries on the Four Books) and related texts, being the set topic for that part of the examination. With their acute sense for market trends, commercial printing houses siezed the opportunity to satisfy the demands of candidates, working closely with literati to publish a vast number of books aiding preparation for the ”Four Books” examination. These included commentaries, essay-writing manuals, and textual research and exegetical materials. These books were then sold through a vast network of sellers, which besides permanent booksellers included temporary branches of bookshops and bookstalls outside examination rooms, news sellers, medicine shops, silk shops, and postal shops. Many candidates so highly valued these readily available materials that they never referred back to the canonical Classics and histories, which had a considerable impact on the focus of their reading. To bring both scholars and academic study back into line, the Qing court first systematized and then published Neo-Confucian interpretations of Confucian works, ordering officials and teachers responsible for education in local schools to see to it that scholars recite and study government-approved texts. However, negligence in execution resulted in the move being largely ineffective, allowing commercial examination preparation materials spa e to circulate and spread along the bookstalls of the time.
起訖頁 223-261
關鍵詞 清代科舉考試四書舉業用書出版Qing dynastycivil service examination'Four Books'examination preparation aidspublishing
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201209 (30:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 清代補續《事類賦》著作考略--兼說清代科舉政策對「詩材」類著作出版的影響
該期刊-下一篇 從《湘綺樓說詩》對「興」義的闡釋重評王闓運「擬古」之詩學意義




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