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Research on the Chinese to Sanskrit Translation of the Great Compassion Mantra
作者 高婉瑜
This study uses the Tang dynasty Bhagavad-dharma translation of the Great Compassion Mantra (Mahā-Kārunika-citta-dhārani) to examine the transliteration of Buddhist scripture with the objective of understanding the pronunciation of Tang dynasty Chinese.We find that for most initial consonants, the translation is very regular, with the mixing of voiced and unvoiced initials produced only under specific conditions. A voiced stop can he translated as either aspirated or unaspirated. For finals, the majority of third and fourth division head vowels and labial closed head vowels are not translated. Different Chinese characters are used to translate identical Sanskrit main vowels, while most tail vowels are translated quite regularly, based on the end rhyme. The entering tone tail vowel [t] is more easily weakened compared to [k], and this weakening occurs earlier. As a whole, the translations of the initials are more regular than those of the finals, and much of the language variation conforms to the evolutionary rules of assimilation, dissimilation, deletion, insertion, and weakening.
起訖頁 55-88
關鍵詞 咒語陀羅尼溪梵對音大悲咒中古音MantradharaniChinese-Sanskrit transliterationThe Great Compassion Mantra Mahā-Kārunika-citta-dhāraniMiddle Chinese
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201109 (29:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 通、江兩攝的方言接觸與元音重配--以《經典釋文》反切注音為主
該期刊-下一篇 北宋館閣官、儒臣與校正醫書局




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