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中央研究院近代史研究所集刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

What is Tianyan? The Meaning and Significance of Yan Fu’s Theory of Natural Evolution
作者 黃克武
This article analyzes three versions of the "Theory of Natural Evolution" and other materials to investigate Yan Fu's understanding of "evolution," which he based on the works of Herbert Spencer and Thomas Huxley. It focuses on the cultural background, the origins of his terminology, and the historical significance of this theory in the Chinese translation. I argue that Yan's "Theory of Natural Evolution," a translation of Huxley's "Evolution and Ethics," was influenced by Yan's Chinese intellectual background including his prior study of "The Book of Changes" and Xunzi. Yan emphasized the importance of ethical values in the process of evolution in order to deal with China's national crisis. For Yan, the unique character of human beings lies in their qualities of "qun"(group solidarity), "tianliang"(conscience), and "kaiming ziying"(enlightened self-interest). Thus he encouraged Chinese people to understand natural evolution to strengthen themselves and to save their race. Yan criticized Spencer for overemphasizing natural evolution at the expense of moral autonomy, and established a link between his emphasis on ethics, individual freedom, and Huxley's theory of social cooperation. In this way, Yan's understanding of evolution placed equal emphasis on self and group and led to an accommodative approach to policy and cultural reform.
起訖頁 129-187
關鍵詞 嚴復魯迅丘淺次郎天演進化Yan FuLu XunOka Asajirōnatural evolution
刊名 中央研究院近代史研究所集刊  
期數 201409 (85期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 清末石印的興起與上海日本畫譜類書籍的流通:以《點石齋叢畫》為中心
該期刊-下一篇 晚清上海藥商的廣告造假現象探析




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