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A PAM Analysis for 2010-2015 of Christianity Cross-strait Exchanges and Development
作者 葉毓亭
In the name of “preventing the penetration of foreign forces”, the People’s Repubic of China had promoted its official faith concept after its establishment in 1949. It promoted the three-self patriotic movement which emphasizes the three principles of “self-governance, self-support and self-propagation”.
In China, with the economic reform and opening up, the society is also liberalized gradually, which encourageing the progressive opening up for religious policy, economy and society, thus accomplishing “religious freedom” which was lost during Cultural Revolution period. Taiwanese Christian organizations have successfully transformed from authoritarian regime to democratic system under the democratized society, which further developing as a creative, delicate and humane operation pattern of organization. Christian thought patterns are developed in a democratic and liberalized environment, which is totally different from mainland china.
As Taiwanese Christians are not familiar with the situation and circumstance of China, while the mixed historical and political factors are engaged, many differences exist between the Christians cross-strait for cognition and value perception concerns. After the visit to Taiwan by Wang Zuoan(王作安), the State Administration for Religious Affairs Director of ChinaState Bureau of Religious Affairs Director in 2010, the communication cross-strait has become intensive. The quantity of purblic, lawful communication between cross-strait Christianity from 2011 to 2015 has been improved resulting from the efforts of Christian intermediaries.
The thesis research has analyzed and organized the impacts including four aspects of economy, society, politic and government for the communication of cross-strait Christiantity through PAM research architecture and in-depth interviews with the chiefs of cross-strait Christianity.
Facing 2016, it is critical that whether the communication of cross-strait Christianity can get quality improvement with existing basis which was established in the past five years, and further focusing on the communication of social welfare, business and youth generation, then maximize the active and energetic power of influence for society.
起訖頁 65-75
關鍵詞 兩岸交流基督教PAMCross-StraitChristiantity
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201612 (16:2期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 中南部大陸配偶就業之PAM分析檢視




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