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An Analysis of Public Affairs Management on the Work Experience of Chinese Marriage Immigrants in Central and Southern Taiwan
作者 陳敬家
過去三十年來,兩岸經濟成長消長明顯,大陸早已躋身為世界強國經濟體之一,相對地台灣則面臨失業率上升,實質薪資縮水的窘境。大陸配偶在台感受頗深,自開放兩岸交流,來台的大陸配偶人數逐年攀升,早期來台者多是與榮民結縭的同鄉,後隨台商赴陸,越來越多不同型態的兩岸婚姻產生,然而在台的大陸配偶卻飽受歧視,連帶影響其就業和生活情況。本研究以公共事務管理參考架構(Public Affairs Management/PAM)為分析架構,闡述陸配受到的社會歧視不僅在就業層面造成求職不易,於家庭適應方面來自夫家人的歧視更是壓垮陸配的最後一根稻草:包括對於大陸經濟環境認知嚴重的資訊落差,以及對陸配本身的強烈的不信任感,乃至敏感的政治立場,在在使大陸配偶的在台生活適應備感艱辛。
Over the past decades, the economic growth trendsbetween cross-strait has shown the opposite. China has taken a place among the great power of economy. On the other hand, Taiwan has faced with the slowing growth of economy, higher unemployment rate, and the real wages shrinking. However, It is the Chinese marriage immigrants, who has the largest population among the new residents, experience the most changes both in Taiwan and China during the decades. This criticism aims to picture the very life of through their employment experience in Taiwan. However,by analyzing the materials from the in-depth interview with the framework of PAM, the results indicate a widespread discrimination to in Taiwan society. And the despised attitude decreases the employment opportunities for the Chinese marriage immigrants, including unequal payment.
起訖頁 58-64
關鍵詞 大陸配偶公共事務管理整合參考架構就業社會歧視新住民Chinese marriage immigrantsPublic Affairs ManagementEmploymentSocial discriminationNew residents
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201612 (16:2期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 上海「台灣人社群」析論
該期刊-下一篇 以PAM解析2010-2015兩岸基督教之交流與發展




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