英文摘要 |
This paper proposes a dynamic factors volatility model and examines its cross-sectional and time-varying impacts on assets prices. The dynamic factors were extracted by using both the unscented Kalman filtering method and the GARCH model. We then investigated the relationship between the volatility of the portfolio dynamic factors and the portfolio returns. In contrast to the static model, the dynamic factors incorporate features of Fama and French 5-factor models, which capture the characteristics of market portfolio, size, value effect, operating profitability, and investment patterns in average returns. We provide evidence that the ex post and lagged ex post factors can improve cross-sectional explanatory power and can increase the predictability of portfolio returns both in-sample and out-of-sample. Our analyses demonstrate that the size and book-to-market sorted portfolios earn a significant positive variance risk premium. However, the dynamic factors predicted by market value have significant negative effects on portfolio returns. We also perform the one-prior-period out-of-sample Diebold-Mariano test of forecasting accuracy paired with other models and find that the dynamic factors have significant effects on the risk premia of both operating profitability and investment policies. This finding supports the theoretical prediction of Bali and Cakici (2008). Finally, our evidence is robust to various specifications and estimation results. |