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The Vibration Serviceability of Floating Buildings
作者 陳正榮 (Jheng-Rong Chen)姚昭智 (George. C .Yao)白汎埔 (Bart van Bueren)
本文探討在荷蘭為了克服海平面上升難題所創立的水上浮動式建築「兩棲屋」(Amphibious House)中的振動特性,作為探討屋內人體舒適性設計考量的問題。本文試圖透過船舶在海上航行時所產生的各項運動週期(Heaving、Rolling、Pitching)理論,來檢討水上浮動式建築的各項運動的自然振動頻率。本研究設計數種小尺度的浮動量體來測試及驗證船舶理論的可行性;並在小尺度模型測試之後,進一步延續到測試驗證在高雄大鵬灣國家風景區內的室內浮動版,和位在荷蘭鹿特丹港口的浮動式展館等實際建物,驗證浮動量體在大尺度是否依然符合船舶基礎理論。研究亦試圖針對即將在台南興建同樣屬於兩棲屋的「台江屋」,做出房屋整體的運動週期評估,同時結合對其所可能設址在台南西南沿海海域,和台江國家公園魚池的兩種場域進行研究分析。其後綜合場址外力因素、人體舒適度考量等主要問題,另外也在整體空間上之應用對策和材料估價方面,和該案建築師做出討論,試圖在數種不同的可變方案中,決策出最終定案。
Urbanized coastal lands are in increased flooding threat due to sea level rise and land subsidence. One flood resilient solution is floating buildings. This solution may be used frequently in the near future. A commonly heard fear on floating buildings is about discomfort from vibration caused by the buoyancy. Large vibrations can be caused when the natural frequency of a floating building pairs with external environmental frequencies. Can vibration be predicted for unrealized floating buildings? This can lead to more optimized floating building designs. This study aims to study in depth on the natural frequencies of floating buildings. Vibration theory used for floating buildings is verified by measurements. Theoretical formulas are already developed by the International Marine Organization (IMO) for ship. However, it needs to be tested 'if' and 'how' they can be applied on floating buildings. For this, measurements are made from floating buildings, as well as measurements on scaled models in laboratory settings. These measurements are compared with the theory. After the theory has been verified, calculations are done on a, yet unrealized, building and its future site to predict the vibration behavior. The result shows the theory of the boat movement is applicable to floating building behavior. And as for the vibration serviceability, it's concluded that all the external frequencies of the environment need to be considered to avoid resonant amplification.
起訖頁 53-70
關鍵詞 水上浮動式建築舒適度台江屋Floating BuildingsBoatServiceabilityResonant
刊名 建築學報  
期數 201612 (98期)
出版單位 臺灣建築學會;內政部建築研究所
該期刊-上一篇 縣市文化中心整建趨勢之研究
該期刊-下一篇 柳杉木醋液之抗木材腐朽菌活性




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