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Discussion of Mentoring Program Used as Practice Strategy to Help Sexuality Minority Adolescents
作者 黃昱得
性傾向弱勢青少年指的是其性傾向有別於主流的異性戀,包含同性戀、雙性戀與跨性別(lesbian、gay、bisexual、transgender),由於社會所加諸的歧視與汙名,讓他們承受著龐大的社會壓力,亦使其發展歷程較為艱辛並具有風險性。根據弱勢壓力理論,社會支持將有助於性傾向弱勢青少年抵禦社會壓力。臺灣目前給予性傾向弱勢青少年的專業服務相當有限,於社會工作領域中更是邊緣議題,亟需更多的資源投入以及具有效益的服務方案。本文將介紹良師益友方案(Mentoring Program),此方案起源於美國,為用來協助處於風險中(at-risk)之青少年的實務策略,其核心概念為藉由一位具有智慧、能給予青少年指引的成年人和青少年建立互信的關係後,將有助於青少年克服困境,並導出正向的發展結果。方案發展至今已出現不同模式,並具有實證基礎(evidence-based),本文除詳述方案內涵與操作方法外,並討論此方案對於性傾向弱勢青少年之效益與適用性,以作為我國社會工作實務參考。
Sexual minority adolescents refer to the youth whose sexuality differs from heterosexuality, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender. Their developmental courses are harder and at risk due to social prejudice and stigma imposed on them. According to Minority Stress Theory, social support is helpful for the sexual minority to defend social stress. However, related services for this population are meager in Taiwan. Moreover, LGBT population is marginal and even ignored in social work practice, so more resources and effective programs are needed. This article intends to introduce Mentoring Program which arose from America. The core concept of program is to match an adult with a youth to provide guidance and support, so as to make adolescents to conquer adversities as well as lead to positive consequences. Until now Mentoring Program has diversified to various models, and its effectiveness is evidenced-based. Besides presenting the contents and operation methods, this article also discusses application and potential benefits of the program to sexual minority adolescents in Taiwan as practical implication.
起訖頁 129-156
關鍵詞 性傾向弱勢青少年良師益友方案sexual minorityadolescentMentoring Program
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 201001 (8期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 治療性遊戲團體方案對降低唇顎裂兒童牙床植骨手術住院焦慮效果之初探研究
該期刊-下一篇 電話輔導於自殺防治的成效與限制




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