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Discuss Plural Custody Evaluation Indexes and Difficulties of Social Worker from 'the Best Interests of the Child'
作者 曾孆瑾高緻真蔡明芳
The paper mainly discussed the visitation of custody evaluation from ”the best interests of the child” and raised the related references and difficulties. Social workers are entrusted to an assessing role to visit and estimate that when the teenagers face their parents' divorce or other related matters, look for the persons who can confirm their suitable treatment in their growing. However, the types of the present visiting cases were variety, and a different visitation existed a different purpose such as guardianship modification, consideration of visitation rights and the change of children' surname etc., hence the index of assessment should respond its difference. Although the previous related information about custody evaluation index can be a direction, the author still hope to collect the reference according to the varied cases from the practical experiences and expect to construct a completed index for the future. Besides, the predicament from the custody visitation evaluation were discussed and considered to be a reference and direction for custody evaluation.
起訖頁 129-162
關鍵詞 兒童少年最佳利益監護權探視權變更子女姓氏監護評估指標the best interests of the childguardianshipvisitation rightsthe change of children's surnamecustody evaluation index
刊名 臺灣社會工作學刊  
期數 200907 (7期)
出版單位 臺灣社會工作專業人員協會
該期刊-上一篇 兒童少年福利服務資源網絡連結現況與影響因素之探討:以屏東縣為例




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