中文摘要 |
本研究探討國小學童體型與霸凌行為分布情形及影響因素。以就讀於台灣地區國小學童為研究母群,分層隨機抽樣抽取三至六年級共 5,688 名學童進行問卷調查。回收有效問卷 4,826 份,回收率達樣本數的 85%。所收集資料以頻率分布、平均值、標準差等描述性統計及 Pearson 積差相關、單因子變異數分析( ANOVA)、複迴歸( multiple regression)等統計方式進行分析。研究結果發現:約 52.7%研究對象 BMI 值在正常範圍,有 22%的學童體重過重(含肥胖)。體型的差異會影響學童霸凌行為的發生次數,體重過重或肥胖的學童常成為被霸凌的對象。尤其是屬於肥胖體型的女學童,也因為體型的因素,發生霸凌同學的次數亦較多,肥胖學童顯著較其他體態者更容易產生霸凌同學的現象。性別、寂寞感、成績表現與同學支持能顯著預測霸凌與被霸凌行為,但體型胖瘦( BMI)無法預測霸凌與被霸凌行為的發生。建議建立肥胖兒童正確的自我概念,推動校園霸凌行為防治教育。未來研究可建立學童霸凌行為長期追蹤資料,並發展霸凌行為量表藉以防範校園霸凌的發生。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study was to find out the distribution and relationship between body size and bullying of elementary school students in Taiwan. A questionnaire was completed by 5,688 elementary school students graded from third grade to sixth grade. 4,826 of the questionnaires were effective; the response rate was 85%. All the collected data were analyzed by means of frequencies, means, standard deviation, Pearson correlation, ANOVA and multiple regression. The results showed that: The body mass index (BMI) value of 52.7% of the sample was within normal range, and 22% was overweight and obese. Significant associations were seen for bullying behaviors with schoolchild. Students who were overweight and obesity were more victimized than students not involved in bulling behaviors. Obese girls reported more likely to be a bully. Overweight and obese school-aged children were more likely to be the bullying behaviors than their normal-weight peers. Gender, loneliness, academic performance and peer support had strong predictions toward bullying and victimization, but body figure is unable to predict that bullying and victimization. We suggested that, therefore, a long term study should be conducted, and a bullying behavior questionnaire should be developed on preventing bullying at school. |