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Life-course, Individualization and Risk: The Social Policy Responses
作者 陳國康段然張宙橋
Theorists have argued that processes of reflexive modernization, structural changes and individualization will impact on individuals' life course plans. These new life course plans may aggravate previous social risks and engender new social risks. Conventional social welfare arrangements have been challenged as inadequate to cope with the new social risks. A cross-sectional survey conducted in Hong Kong was employed to examine the concept of individualization and life course changes. Three groups that might face with potentially higher social risks were identified: males with higher educational attainment tend to postpone their life course plans; females who opt for a conventional life course plan; and the younger generation who aspire for alternative life courses. Findings revealed that increasingly diverse life course patterns are unavoidable. Social policy needs to be more flexible in responding to these choices, and to review institutionalized life course structures as well as the norms modelled. Whenever necessary, policies have to be responsive and accommodative in providing resources to support individuals to deliver their roles within specific life course stages, as well as to smooth the transition between stages. The risk burden has to be shared by the government and various social sectors, as well as individuals themselves.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 生命歷程個體化風險社會政策香港life-courseindividualizationrisksocial policyHong Kong
刊名 社會政策與社會工作學刊  
期數 201512 (19:2期)
出版單位 臺灣社會政策學會
該期刊-下一篇 親屬安置的困境與爭議性議題之探究:實務工作者的觀點




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