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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Assessment of Safety and Health Aspects in Telecommunication Environments
作者 毛義方陳美蓮黃如瑋陳秋蓉張寅 (ZHANG Yin)蔡忠融林釗正
本研究目的為測定台灣電信業人員工作的環境品質和工作量負荷。以台灣中部某大電信公司隨機選取的131 人為研究對象,其中90 人為A 區/B 區話務人員,41 人為櫃臺作業員。測試內容有環境品質測定,包括CO2 濃度、風動、靜電壓、照度、溫溼度、舒適指數、噪音、磁場強度,並以快速上肢人體工學評估法(RULA)及我國的電腦工作站安全衛生指引來評估電信業人員之作業安全衛生問題。根據測試結果,辦公室環境品質的CO2 濃度均小於1000 ppm;噪音小於72 dBA;辦公場所一般照明之照度均大於500 Lx。大部分的A 區VDT 工作站設計均符合我國勞工安全衛生研究所出版的電腦工作站安全衛生指引。此外,以RULA 法進行測量之後發現,A 區話務人員皆符合標準,9.1%的B 區話務人員和100%的建檔人員則須再改善他們的VDT 工作站設計。研究結果發現,VDT 工作站設計不良可能是導致工作疲勞的原因,所以,建議政府和業者應該加強電信業員工的工作環境之改善,以減少部分員工之工作疲勞。
The objective of this study is to evaluate the work environment and workload of telecommunication operators in Taiwan. One hundred and thirty-one subjects were recruited in the study including 90 operators(A/B information stations)and 41 counter staffs. All subjects were randomly sampled from a big company in central Taiwan. Work environment was assessed by measuring the concentrations of carbon dioxide, air movement, electrostatic potential, illumination, thermal comfortable index, noise, and electromagnetic strength. Ergonomics was examined by the rapid upper limb assessment(RULA)method and the Safety & Health Guidance for Visual Display Terminals (VDT) of IOSH Taiwan. Measurements of work environment show CO2 levels are below 1000ppm; noise levels are below 72dBA, and illumination levels are above 500 Lx. Most VDT operators of A-station meet the Safety & Health Guidance for VDT of IOSH Taiwan. None of A-station operators, 9.1% of B-station operators and 100% of data keyin operators need to improve their VDT design according to the RULA results. This study suggests that the poor VDT station design may lead to work fatigue. Therefore, our government and the similar companies should pay attention to the ergonomics of telecommunication operators.
起訖頁 241-256
關鍵詞 電信業話務人員櫃臺人員人體工學Telecommunication operatorsCounter staffErgonomics
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200009 (8:3期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-下一篇 簡易二氧化氮被動式採樣器




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