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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Subjective Fatigue in Visual Display Terminal Workers
作者 毛義方黃如瑋陳秋蓉蔡明煌鄭淑芳周青光陳美蓮
為探討VDT(visual display terminal)作業者的疲勞情形,本研究以VDT 每日操作平均時間達7.4 小時者76 人(A 組),3.7 小時者29 人(B 組)及不使用電腦之一般事務工作者33 人(C 組)為對象,進行自覺疲勞症狀問卷調查,以及VDT 作業眼睛及身體局部不適問卷調查,藉由三組受訪者工作前、後之疲勞盛行率及工作後疲勞發生率之比較,探討VDT 作業之疲勞特徵。結果顯示,一日工作之疲勞發生率而言,一般自覺症狀及VDT 作業之眼睛及身體局部不適均以A 組為最高,工作後疲勞盛行率比工作前上升者仍以A 組最為明顯,其次是B 組。自覺疲勞症狀中均以眼睛疲勞的發生率及盛行率最高,三組均然,A、B、C 三組之發生率分別是86.8%、50%及53.9%。在眼睛不適之調查中,A、B 兩組均以眼睛乾澀之發生率及盛行率最高,發生率分別是52.8%及29.4%。在身體局部不適的症狀中,則以頸部或肩部僵硬之發生率及盛行率為最高,發生率在A、B 兩組分別是43.8%及26.9%。研究結果亦顯示,從事VDT 資料輸入工作者,若僅操作半天時間,則疲勞程度與未使用VDT 之事務工作者並無明顯差異;但是,若全天從事VDT 作業則疲勞程度比一般事務工作者,或VDT 作業時間較短者有顯著上升。至於VDT 資料輸入作業8 小時是否造成慢性疲勞,尚無法由本研究得到結論,此外,一般事務工作者,有的在工作後疲勞反而消除,這種現象在VDT 作業者則不曾發生。
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the characteristics of fatigue symptoms of VDT workers. A total of 105 VDT users took part in the study. They were divided into two groups - group A: 7.4 h/day of VDT work; group B: 3.7 h/day of VDT work. 33 workers performing office paper work without VDTs served as the control group - group C in this study. Two questionnaires were employed to measure the symptoms of fatigue before and after work, one for the subjective fatigue symptoms and the other for the specific symptoms of eyes and physical impairment. Results show that group A presents the highest incidence rate of fatigue. From the viewpoint of prevalence rate, group A also shows the highest after work, while group C presents the highest before work. The response “Eyestrain” is highest among the thirty items of symptoms for all of the three groups. The incidence rates are 86.8%, 50% and 53.9% for groups A, B, and C, respectively. Specifically, the most frequent symptom appeared on ‘dry eyes“ for the complaint of eyes discomfort. The incidence rates for groups A and B are 52.8% and 29.4%, respectively. Regarding physical impairment, “neck/shoulder stiffness” shows the highest of incidence and prevalence rate. The incidence rates for groups A and B are 43.8% and 26.9%, respectively. This study suggests that workers engage in VDTs operation inclining to fatigue. The frequency of discomfort complaint increases with the amount of VDT work. The symptoms of fatigue might be improved after work for some of non-VDT-exposed subjects, which has never happened to VDT workers.
起訖頁 71-86
關鍵詞 電腦顯示終端機自覺疲勞症狀眼睛疲勞Visual display terminalSubjective symptom of fatigueEyestrain
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 199806 (6:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 有機蒸氣被動式採樣器活性炭吸附片之研發
該期刊-下一篇 室內空調進排氣口配置熱舒適性探討




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