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Supervisory Support, Work-to-Family Enrichment, and Emotional Exhaustion: The Actor-Partner Interdependence Model among Married Couples
作者 陸洛張妤玥
本研究以資源保存理論為基礎,探討主管支持、工作對家庭增益(work-to-family enrichment, WFE),及工作者情緒耗竭間的關聯。此外,亦採用「行動者─伴侶互依模式」(actor-partner interdependence model, APIM)探討夫妻間的相互影響。本研究以自陳式結構問卷為資料蒐集方式,以雙薪夫妻為研究對象,總計回收490 份有效問卷,合計為245 對夫妻,採用結構方程模式來驗證假設。研究結果顯示,WFE 的確為主管支持與情緒耗竭間的中介因子。在夫妻比較方面,個人WFE對其情緒耗竭的影響,妻子的強度顯著地大於丈夫。丈夫與妻子的WFE皆可有效降低丈夫的情緒耗竭,但對妻子而言,丈夫的WFE對降低其情緒耗竭並沒有幫助。文末亦針對研究結果進一步討論並提供未來研究建議。
Based on the conservation of resources theory, we explored the proposed gain spiral in the relationships among supervisory support, work-to-family enrichment (WFE), and emotional exhaustion. We adopted the actor-partner interdependence model (APIM) to examine gender differences in the above process in couple dyads. Survey data were collected by structured questionnaires from 490 Taiwanese dual-earner employees (245 married couples). Results from structural equation modeling analyses showed that WFE mediated the relationship between supervisory support and emotional exhaustion. Based on the APIM comparisons, we found that the relationship between an individual’s own WFE to his/her own emotional exhaustion was stronger for wife participants than for husband participants. Furthermore, for wife participants, her own WFE was a stronger predictor than her husband’s WFE on the wife’s own emotional exhaustion whereas husband participants’ emotional exhaustion can be predicted by both his own WFE and his wife’s WFE. Possible limitations, applications, and future research directions are discussed.
起訖頁 73-116
關鍵詞 工作對家庭增益主管支持行動者--伴侶互依模式情緒耗竭actor-partner interdependence modelemotional exhaustionsupervisory supportwork-to-family enrichment
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 201512 (44期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 使命型創業家的立命與立業:內聖外王的實踐歷程
該期刊-下一篇 中庸與轉念:以字詞分析體現中庸思維之情緒調節動態歷程(1)




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