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An Investigation of Children Understanding on Ambiguous Pictures
作者 林思騏
本研究旨在探討不同年齡、性別兒童對於多義圖形讀圖能力的表現,研究幼童在各階段不同的表徵特徵並比較其差異性。選取三至七足歲幼童,包含幼兒園小班、中班、大班、國小部之一年級,共245 名。其中男孩122 名、女孩123 名為研究樣本。採用量化研究進行相關考驗並輔以質性內容分析,所獲致的研究結果如下:一、四歲或四歲之前的幼童,可以來回變換多義圖的人數很少。五到六歲組及以後的兒童,他們在觀念上能夠將同一幅圖畫看作不同圖形,已經逐步表現出了對圖畫符號的靈活性的理解。二、性別在多義圖形辨認表現尚無法推論,但多義圖形辨認能力可以作為在觀察幼童繪畫能力上參考的依據。三、多義圖圖形視覺辨認可視為訊息由下向上的知覺加工和由上向下的概念共同作用的結果。型態辨識並非被動的等著外界訊息的刺激,而是主動儲存知識並詮釋外來的消息。
This study focuses on exploring children abilities to identify ambiguous pictures. We investigate children on the ambiguous pictures characterized and compares the differences at each age. Totally, there were 245 participants(122males and 123females)who were kindergarteners and 1st graders in this study, ages from 3 to 7. The quantitative research and qualitative content analysis method were used in this study. The findings were as follows: 1. Children who were younger than four years old could seldom convert one ambiguous picture to the other back and forth. Those children of five to six years old could diverge one picture into two or more viewpoints, because they grew the flexible abilities of understanding for various symbols, signs and pictures. 2. Gender in ambiguous pictures representation identified Could not be deduced. Young children's abilities to identify ambiguous pictures could simultaneously become a standard basis for evaluating children's drawing abilities. 3. The ability to recognize ambiguous pictures became an outcome of a bottom-up process interacting with a top-down process. The recognition of ambiguous pictures was not a passive process of waiting for stimulus, but an initiative process of storing knowledge as well as interpreting external messages.
起訖頁 61-83
關鍵詞 多義圖形幼兒讀圖能力多義圖辨認ambiguous pictureschildren's ability to identify ambiguous picturesgraphics identify
刊名 朝陽人文社會學刊  
期數 201606 (14:1期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學朝陽人文社會學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 史傳與地方戲的關涉──談河洛歌子戲《秋風辭》的寫作資糧
該期刊-下一篇 大專籃球選手心理堅韌性、特質性焦慮、壓力因應策略與運動倦怠之研究




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