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Persuasion and Entertainment at Once——Kumarajiva's Buddhist Storytelling in His Commentary on the Vimalakirti-Sutra
作者 勞悅強
This paper addresses how Kumarajiva, one of the greatest Buddhist translators in China, practiced his storytelling in the form of philosophical commentary. Through an analysis of his commentary on the famed Buddhist classic Vimalakirti-sutra, this paper will demonstrate that Kumarajiva appreciated the virtue of storytelling in religious proselytization, and that he told stories throughout his lengthy commentary even when the textual contexts do not seem to call for them. Storytelling was crafted to be entertaining and, it was hoped, in the disarming presence of fun and pleasure, Buddhist osmosis would materialize. As a secondary issue, this paper also attempts to examine the issue of orality in Kumarajiva's commentary. As far as we can surmise, it is unlikely that Kumarajiva himself would write his commentary in Chinese, even though he presumably had learned Chinese for more than a decade before he finally arrived in central China in 401. However, virtually no scholar has been curious enough to examine the exact nature of the writing itself in his commentary. It appears to be a non-issue to most scholars whether Kumarajiva’s commentary on the Vimalakirti-sutra was penned down by himself or it was in fact transcribed from an oral delivery. This paper will show that apart from tacit assumption, the commentary was, in all likelihood, delivered orally to a live audience and was probably committed to writing as a record of extemporaneous sermons.
起訖頁 89-115
關鍵詞 鳩摩羅什維摩詰經佛教故事演說注疏口述性娛樂KumarajivaVimalakirti-sutra Buddhist storytelling commentary orality entertainment
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200209 (21期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 體物、記憶與遺民情境——屈大均一六五九年詠梅詩探究
該期刊-下一篇 懷感的生平和佛身、佛土思想




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