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Objectivity, Memory, and Loyalist Condition Qu Dajun’s 1659 Poems on Plum Trees
作者 嚴志雄
Qu Dajun (1630-1696) spent the better part of 1659 in Nanjing where he produced some twenty poems on plum trees. The plum emerges as Ming loyalism incarnate, and Qu encourages the reader to see him as a Ming loyalist. This paper examines how Qu shapes the Ming memory and his intended image in the poems. Analyzing the structure and symbolism of the verses, we discover three interrelated motifs: loyalty, seclusion, and rebirth. Qu’s message is that even though the loyalists are marginalized figures of the day, they still see themselves as historical agents to revive the fallen Ming house. What engages Qu is a poetic representation of the historical memory of the Ming-Qing transition and the Ming loyalist subjectivity. Qu’s poems are written in the mode of “poetry on objects.” This entails a theoretical investigation into Qu’s poetic formulations. To probe the loyalist condition that Qu is faced with, a comparison of the experiences of the Ming and the Song loyalists is conducted.
起訖頁 43-87
關鍵詞 屈大均明清之際詠梅詩歷史記憶明遺民主體性遺民情境Qu DajunMing-Qing transitionPoems on plum treeshistorical memoryMing loyalist subjectivityloyalist condition
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 200209 (21期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 漂流與回歸——宋代題「瀟湘」山水畫詩之抒情底蘊
該期刊-下一篇 Persuasion and Entertainment at Once——Kumarajiva's Buddhist Storytelling in His Commentary on the Vimalakirti-Sutra




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