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Hou Chih and the Transformation of the Tanci Narrative in Form and Ideology in the Mid-Ch’ing
作者 胡曉真
This paper first attempts to reconsider the tanci narrative and its complex relationship with performance and market value, and then goes on to explore Hou Chih's editorial career in the tanci, as well as the contemporary thoughts and views on tanci it reflects. Tanci narratives are certainly written texts, and writers in the Ch'ing began to create works that were elegant and refined; however, the tie between the genre and popular performance could not be broken. The publication and transmission of the tanci was also closely related to the popular book market. Considering this, our research on women's tanci narratives should pay more attention to extrinsic factors such as contemporary thoughts, cultural networks and market, in addition to intrinsic ones such as the author's ideas, plots, and characters. With the above considerations in mind, this paper discusses the tanci editor Hou Chih of the mid-Ch'ing and the significance she represented. Hou Chih was raised in a genteel family, and was imbued with orthodox ideas. When her writing switched from poetry to the tanci, she never gave up her didactic views on literature and exposition of traditional women's virtue. As a result, she had a very complicated and ambivalent reaction toward Tsai-sheng yuan, an earlier controversial tanci by Ch'en Tuan-sheng. In terms of writing style, she strongly criticized the plot, language, and ending in popular tanci works, whereas her own works were based on the principle of novel plot and plain language. All the above discussion demonstrates that Hou Chih cared about the popular book market and assumed the role of an instructor of the woman reading public. The case of Hou Chih not only represents a significant transformation of women's tanci, it also helps us to observe the cultivation of women's values in the mid-Ch'ing and its relationship with the culture market.
起訖頁 41-90
關鍵詞 彈詞小說侯芝《錦上花》《金閨傑》《再造天》tanci narrativeHou ChihChin-shang huaChin-kui chiehTsai-tsao t'ien
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199803 (12期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 浪蕩天涯:劉吶鷗一九二七年日記
該期刊-下一篇 自東漢中葉以降某些冷門詠物賦作論彼時審美觀的異動




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