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The Flaneur of the World: Liu Na-ou’s 1927 Diary
作者 彭小妍
Through the messages conveyed in his 1927 diary, this article traces Liu Na-ou's family background, while correcting the misconceptions formed since Yan Jayan's History of the Schools of Modern Chinese Fiction (1989). Liu's identity, family, education, friendships, and his experiences while studying in the big cities of China and Japan reflect the life of the Taiwanese intellectual during the Japanese occupation as a flaneur of the world. Facing the complicated relations among China, Japan, and Taiwan, he walked on the verge of danger and was murdered in 1940. From Liu's relationships with women as disclosed in the diary, one can understand better the aesthetics of the Neo-Perceptionist dandy. In Liu's mind, woman, besides her natural endowment of being a mother, is purely a sex symbol. Unable to pursue activities connected with the intellect and the spirit, her existence is dedicated to the pleasure of men. This conception of women in fact reflects the irrevocable male chauvinism of the dandy. He indulges in sensual pleasures and seeks the company of women of loose virtues, and yet, afflicted by misogyny, he considers women's sexual desire as vice. He is fashionably dressed, and depends infinitely on material culture. As a rule he describes women from the outside, not being able to understand their feelings and spiritual world. His Shanghai experiences disclose his serious attitudes toward art, while his travel to Beijing reflects the aesthetics of the flaneur. He frequents the streets and the dance halls of the big city, recording what he sees and hears while sauntering aimlessly. He is an observer, engaged in the art of describing things from the outside. The objects of his description are materials confined by time and space, and yet they become objects of beauty and spiritual feasts in his works. From the diary we can see that Liu is a neurotic young man dedicated to art and literature, very much similar to the young men victimized by neurasthenia in Yu Ta-fu's works. Liu loves to read works by the members of the Creation Society, but he detests those by the writers of the Society of Literary Study. He likes French works, and does not think American literature worth mentionining. He thinks the Japanese Neo-Perceptionist works “passable in style, but boring in content.” This commentary can actually also be applied to the works by their Shanghai counterparts. Having crossed the boundaries of nations through his pursuit of art and through trips in different countries, he became a target of the international communities of Shanghai where strict nationalism reigned.
起訖頁 1-39
關鍵詞 新感覺派浪蕩子女性嫌惡症浪游者神經衰弱症Neo-Perceptionismdandymisogynyflaneurneurasthenia
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199803 (12期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-下一篇 由彈詞編訂家侯芝談清代中期彈詞小說的創作形式與意識型態轉化




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