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A Political Reading of Non-political Narratives by Women in the Opening Years of the Late Ch’ing
作者 胡曉真
This paper focuses on three areas: the periodization of the “late Ch'ing”; late Ch'ing theories of novel and the construction of literary history; the development of t'an-tz'u narratives in the late Ch'ing and their political implication. Literary historians generally agree that late Ch'ing literature features a demarcation between the old and the new. I point out that a linear view of literary history has dominated the studies of late Ch'ing literature since the May 4th period; therefore critics, until now, tend to ignore works produced at the intersection of the old and the new. In late Ch'ing discourse of novel, the t'an-tz'u narrative appeared to be a synthesis of drawbacks. However, thanks to its status as “textbooks for women,” the genre was valued as a vehicle of enlightenment. With this new moral imperative imposed on the t'an-tz'u, the conflict between old and new literatures was again pushed to the foreground, resulting in our neglect of “new” possibilities stagnating in the “old” works. The three t'an-tz'u narratives discussed here represent different attempts of late Ch'ing women writers to respond to the national crisis. Liu-hua meng comments on the present by telling a story of the past. It exaggerates the virtues of the heroine, thereby pointing to frustration about the mid-nineteenth-century national crisis. Ching-chung chuan is a rewriting of the Yue Fei legend, driving the feminized t'an-tz'u genre toward the public sphere that was supposed to be masculine. Furthermore, as this work brought up the conflict between Han and Jurchen people in the context of the late Ch'ing, we are left with infinite possibilities of interpretation. Feng shuang fei aims at novelty and concentrates on the portrayal of one-on-one relationships between men. From content to form, the work reveals the author's desire to transgress norms. By reading these three t'an-tz'u narratives by women, I try to reconstruct the situation in which traditional women writers in the late Ch'ing, while writing in the old form, related themselves to the emerging new literary trends and indirectly responded to the imminent chaos of the developing circumstances.
起訖頁 89-135
關鍵詞 晚清小說彈詞小說文學史分期《榴花夢》《精忠傳》《鳳雙飛》late Ch'ing novelt'an-tz'u narrativeperiodization in literary historyLiu-hua mengChing-chung chuanFeng shuang fei
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199709 (11期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 中國古典小說中的「女俠」形象
該期刊-下一篇 道家與道術




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