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The Practical Thought of Lo Ch’in-shun and its Socio-Political Background
作者 鍾彩鈞
Lo Ch'in-shun is a representative of the Ch'eng-Chu school in Ming dynasty, whose thought, though not so original as those of the Ch'engs and Chu, is more or less the application of the latter's thought to the socio-political situation of Ming dynasty. The modification Lo made to the Ch'engs’ and Chu’s thoughts also aimed at adjustment to the Ming socio-political environment. Lo Ch'in-shun urged the revitalization of the spirit of versality and ritual practice (p'o-wen yueh-li 博文約禮)characterized by the Ch'eng-Chu school in order to save the Chang-Chu ideas from formalism and hypocracy. In politics, he believed that sage learning and kingship are the two sides of the same Way. He was also concerned about the law. While respecting the law, he proposed to complement laws with morality and elasticity. With regard to his discussion of family, Lo was at a time when the pre-modern family institution was about to fully develop; his description and interpretation, therefore, was a reflection of the facts and the theoretic construction with respect to the family of that stage. Lo Ch'in-shun often applied the idea of the unity of Principle and Material Force to reality. He thought that the differences in happiness ard misery between political conditions and between families belong to Material Force, while that man should engage themselves in moral efforts belongs to Principle. The difference in Material Force is not final; by way of one's sincere efforts, Principle will direct Material Force and eventually bring out good results.
起訖頁 197-226
關鍵詞 羅欽順宋明理學經世思想Lo Ch'in-shunNeo-ConfucianismSocial and Political Thought
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 199603 (8期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 牟宗三先生的哲學詮釋中之方法論問題
該期刊-下一篇 蕅益智旭思想的特質及其定位問題




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