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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

An Investigation of Relationships between Musculoskeletal Disorders and Exercises & other Risk Factors of Labors
作者 呂志維廖漢璋張國峰張家宏
本研究探討運動對石化業、造船業、鋼鐵業及營造業等四行業生產部門勞工肌肉骨骼不適的影響。調查工具係使用封閉式自填式問卷,包含肌肉骨骼不適情況及其可能的危險因子。描述性分析結果發現,不同行業研究對象反應身體各部位不適的人數比例不盡相同;脖子、肩膀及下背或腰部等部位是各業中人數比例較高的前三部位,另外爬山、慢跑及游泳則是較常從事的三項運動。至於各行業從事的運動與肌肉骨骼傷害之複邏輯斯迥歸結果達統計上顯著意義的變項方面,除造船業從事慢跑(每週運動一次以上)者有膝蓋不適之風險低於同業其他無運動習慣者(AOR0.258(95% CI 0.083 to 0.799))外,其他各種運動參與者卻有較高的肌肉骨骼不適風險。
The aim of this study was to explore the relation between sports and musculoskeletal pain among four occupational groups, i.e. petrochemical, ship-building, metal refining, and construction industry. The close-ended questionnaire comprising musculoskeletal pain and potential risk factors was used as self-administered questionnaire. The results of descriptive analysis showed that the percentage of musculoskeletal pain was different. Subjects reported higher percentage of musculoskeletal symptoms in neck, shoulder, and low back or waist, while mountain-climbing, jogging, and swimming were subjects’ favorite sports. As to the significant results of multiple logistic regression analysis, joggers in the processing section of ship-building industry reported lower risk of knee symptom (AOR 0.258 95% CI 0.083 to 0.799 ) than their coworkers. Apart from jogging, other types of physical exercise increase the risk of musculoskeletal symptoms.
起訖頁 297-302
關鍵詞 肌肉骨骼不適運動問卷行業生產部門Musculoskeletal disorderSportQuestionnaireOccupational groups
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200512 (13:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 側風與擴散效應對捕集裝置的捕集效率影響
該期刊-下一篇 車輛機械煞車預警裝置試用評估




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