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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

A Study on the Occupational Accident Reporting System in Taiwan
作者 蘇德勝賴昭君葉錦瑩韓柏檉
本研究對我國職業災害統計上雇主之陳報制度進行調查分析。問卷方面分別針對安全衛生專家利用專家問卷及事業單位勞工安全衛生人員利用結構式問卷分析方式實施調查,探討國內現行職業災害統計月報表(甲、乙表)之適性良窳。經分析問卷結果顯示,對於甲表內容是否要簡化方面:勞工安全衛生人員與安全衛生專家看法有顯著差異(p<0.05),但兩者均認為應簡化雇用童工人數的填報(勞工安全衛生人員27.1%,安全衛生專家41.9%)。在報表填報頻率部分,勞工安全衛生人員與安全衛生專家看法有顯著差異(p<0.05),勞工安全衛生人員認為1 個月填報1 次(46.6%);安全衛生專家則認為3 個月填報1次(29.0%)。對於公司員工須達幾人以上才需填寫月報表方面:二者看法有所顯著差異(p<0.05),安全衛生專家認為10人以上(32.3%),依序是勞工安全衛生人員認為30人以上(30.5%)。職業災害統計資料保存年限方面:二者看法有顯著差異(p<0.05),勞工安全衛生人員均認為5 年(51.7%);安全衛生專家認為應保存10 年(35.5%)。關於職業災害統計月報表之陳報方式何者較方便方面:二者看法一致皆認為由網路陳報最方便(77.1%,90.3%,p<0.05)。研究建議簡化目前所採用之職業災害統計月報表(甲、乙表),並輔導事業單位自主管理,政府欲窺知事業單位職業災害之嚴重程度及發展趨勢,可採用抽樣調查分析方式加以推估。
This study was aimed to assess the effectiveness of the current occupational accident reporting and notification system. An expert questionnaire designed with the concept of Delphi and a structural questionnaire were used for the safety and health experts and professionals, respectively. Results show a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the safety and health professional and experts regarding the need for simplifying Part A of the occupational accident monthly reporting form. However, both groups agreed with the simplification of the item on hiring child workers. A significant difference (p < 0.05) was found between the groups with respect to the reporting frequency of occupational accidents. About 46.6% of the safety and health professionals favored monthly, but only 29.0% of the experts’ preference were quarterly report. A significant difference (p < 0.05) existed on the number of employees of an enterprise required to conduct the monthly accident report. 32.3% of the experts favored the number to be around 10 while 30.5% of the safety and health professionals agreed on the number of 30. For the duration of record keeping, there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the groups. 51.7% of the safety and health professionals preferred 5 years, but 35.5% of the experts considered the proper period to be 10 years, 77.1% of the safety and health professionals and 90.3% of the experts considered the most convenient means was the use of web-based reporting system. This study suggests the government should simplify the contents of the current forms. Due to the low compliance percentage of the regulated enterprises, a sampling and estimating method should be adopted by the government to grasp the national trend of occupational accident rates in the future.
起訖頁 35-45
關鍵詞 職業災害統計月報表安全衛生專家勞工安全衛生人員Occupational accident monthly reporting formSafety and health expertSafety and health professional
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200503 (13:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 英國禁止童工女工從事危險性有害性工作規定之探討
該期刊-下一篇 利用麩胺基硫為前還原劑配合高效能液相層析與流動注入氫化物產生原子吸收光譜法發展尿液中砷物種之分析方法




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