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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Self-Reported Menstrual Dysfunction among Semiconductor Female Workers
作者 江宜庭張淑如謝功毅陳秋蓉宋鴻樟
半導體工業常被認為是乾淨工業,卻含有潛在化學性、物理性及人因工程等危害因子。有關半導體工業的健康評估研究,國外已有一些相關研究,流行病學資料顯示半導體工業職業暴露有自然流產率增加及生育力降低,且月經功能也有異常現象。本研究為調查國內半導體工業女性勞工自訴月經功能健康狀況。本研究以問卷面訪二家晶圓製造廠女性員工,依職業類別區分工作區域,分為無塵室及非無塵室。計有無塵室員工 917 人、非無塵室員工 116 人進行比較分析。評估半導體女性職業暴露與月經功能之影響。結果顯示無塵室員工月經不正常的較盛行,週期<24 天的盛行率是非無塵室員工的2 倍(11.8% vs 5.2%) ,但統計上並不顯著。若再將無塵室工作區域細分來看,發現校正干擾因子後月經週期異常,擴散區員工的調整勝算比(Adjusted odds ratio)為 1.99(95%可信限 1.03-3.85) ,蝕刻區為 2.18(95%可信限1.13-4.18) ,仍有顯著危害。整體來說,無塵室中女性勞工較非無塵室女性勞工月經異常的情況較為盛行,或許和工作性質有關,值得探究校正這種情況的方針。
There are potential risks of chemical, physical, and ergonomic exposure for workers in semiconductor industry. Epidemiological studies have shown that female workers in semiconductor industry are at elevated risks of spontaneous abortion, subfertility, and menstrual dysfunction. This study reported the prevalence of menstrual dysfunction (MD) among female workers employed in domestic semiconductor manufacturing. The authors conducted a self-reported questionnaire survey in two semiconductor manufacturing factories. Data obtained from 917 women worked in fabrication room (fab) and 116 women in nonfabrication rooms (non-fab) were used for this study. The prevalence and risk of MD were compared between fab group and non-fab group. The results showed that normal menstrual function was more prevalent in non-fab group than in fab group. The prevalence of menstrual cycle length less than 24 days for fab group was twice higher than that for non-fab group (11.8% vs 5.2%), but not statistically significant. The multivariate logistic regression analysis by the type of fab room controlling for age, smoking, history pregnancy, contraceptive status, revealed women with elevated risk of MD were those in diffusion rooms(odds ratio (O.R.) = 1.99, 95%confidence interval (C.I.) = 1.03-3.85)and in etching rooms(O.R. = 2.18, 95% C.I. = 1.13-4.18). In conclusion, menstrual dysfunction is more prevalent in women work in fab rooms than women in non-fab rooms. This may be susceptible to relate to their working characteristics and is of concern. Identification of potential modification factors to manage this situation deserves consideration.
起訖頁 185-194
關鍵詞 半導體女性勞工月經功能異常健康狀況SemiconductorHealth statusFemale workerMenstrual dysfunction
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200409 (12:3期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-下一篇 精神障礙者電腦化就業媒合模式之研究




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