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Development of a Model of Vocational Assessment for People with Hearing Impairment: An Application of the Chinese Computerized Job-Match System
作者 吳明宜張志仲蘇純瑩陳秋蓉施陳美津
本研究的目的是要建立一套本土化、以工作為導向、適用於聽障者的職業輔導評量模式。研究團隊以美國所發展的「職業分類典」、「職業探索詳細指南」和勞委會職訓局所彙編的「職業資料專輯」為主要參考架構,採用本土研發的就業相關評量工具與含有國內 348 個職種分析的「工作媒合電腦資料庫」,並同時考量聽障者的特性,來訂定合宜的職業輔導評量內容與方法。職業輔導評量模式的陳述以一個聽障範例來加以逐步解說。希望藉此模式來協助就業服務人員篩選符合聽障者能力的潛在工作職種,使聽障個案或就業服務人員可集中精力在可行的數個就業職種方案中做進一步的探索。
This research is aimed at formatting a Taiwan-based, job-oriented vocational assessment model for people with hearing impairment. Based on the constructs of the “Dictionary of Occupational Title” and “The Enhanced Guide for Occupational Exploration” published by the United States Department of Labor as well as the “Occupational Handbook” published by the Employment and Vocational Training Administration, Council of Labor Affairs of the Republic of China, a vocational assessment model was designed through the utilization of Taiwanese vocational assessment instruments and a computerized jobmatching program which consists of 348 Taiwan-based job-analysis data. According to the characteristics of hearing impaired persons, this model formatted an appropriate vocational assessment content and method. An example of a person with hearing impairment was used to explain this model step-by-step. The model is demonstrated its ability of assisting vocational rehabilitation professionals to screen potential jobs that meet a client’s ability. By this way, people with hearing impairment and vocational rehabilitation professionals can focus their efforts on exploring potential employment opportunities.
起訖頁 91-104
關鍵詞 聽障職業輔導評量工作媒合Hearing impairmentVocational assessmentJob match
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200403 (12:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣中部四類製造業勞工對安全績效感受性之調查研究




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