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勞工安全衛生研究季刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Study of Pulmonary-Related Diseases in Restaurant Workers
作者 張筱玲陳秋蓉張淑如宋源鴻
肺部疾患與吸菸、二手菸及廚房油煙暴露有關。台灣過去較少以餐飲從業人員為對象的相關研究。本研究之目的是要瞭解餐廳勞工之職業性暴露與健康概況,尤其是餐廳勞工痰檢體細胞化生(metaplasia)盛行率。以餐廳從業人員64 人為研究對象,社區民眾118 人為對照組,利用橫斷研究法進行問卷、痰檢體收集及胸部 X 光檢查。研究對象大多介於 35 歲~54 歲間,但是餐廳從業人員較社區民眾年輕,且多為女性,教育程度亦偏低。餐飲從業人員雖然吸菸比例與社區民眾相似,但是二手菸暴露的機會則較多,約為社區民眾的 1.5~2.1 倍;而餐飲從業人員中廚師的吸菸比例最高為 48.0%。另廚師除了職業上有油煙暴露外,也有家庭廚房料理的暴露,其油煙暴露量最多。社區民眾年齡較大,呼吸系統相關症狀及胸部 X 光異常情形稍高,餐廳從業人員中廚師肺部鈣化現象最高(約 10.0%) ;且發生痰細胞化生的情形亦最高(44.0%) ,為餐廳內其他工作人員的 1.4 倍。同時具有油煙暴露及吸菸行為者會有較高的痰細胞化生之傾向,但不具統計顯著性。因此,在不探討年齡與潛在的健康工作人員效應下,餐廳從業人員在肺部健康檢查中發現異常情形的危險性略高。
Pulmonary diseases, including lung cancer, have been associated with the exposure to environmental tobacco smoking (ETS) and cooking oil fume, in addition to smoking. There are only a limited number of studies focusing on these associations for restaurant employees in Taiwan. This study investigated whether the prevalence of metaplasia in sputum, the lung cancer progression marker, elevated for restaurant employees. Specimens were collected from 64 restaurant employees and 118 community controls. Each subject received a pulmonary X-ray examination and completed a self-evaluation questionnaire for sociodemographic information and other related factors. The restaurant employees, particularly the chefs, were more likely than controls to have cooking oil fume exposure at workplace and home as well. The study subjects were young and with a large portion of females with poor education, and the ETS exposure rates were 1.5 to 2.1 times higher in restaurant employees than in controls. The restaurant chefs had the highest prevalence of calcification at X-ray examination (10%). They also had a higher prevalence rate of metaplasia from sputum examination compared with the rest restaurant staff (44.0 % vs. 30.8%). In conclusion, an elevated metaplasia rate was found for individuals with cooking oil fume and ETS exposure, but with no statistical significance. Regardless of age and the potential worker health effect, the restaurant employees may be at slightly higher risk with adverse markers in pulmonary health examination.
起訖頁 23-35
關鍵詞 餐廳員工痰檢體細胞化生胸部X光檢查Restaurant workSputumMetaplasiaX-ray test
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200403 (12:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 車輛系油壓煞車系統失效溫度預警裝置之研發
該期刊-下一篇 臺北市立醫院護理人員下背痛現況與教育需求之調查研究




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