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The Development of a Database System of Computer-Related Assistive Devices for the Skeletal Impairment
作者 紀佳芬宋仁傑黃元瀚王雅惠葉文裕林彥輝
對於大多數的身心障礙者而言,電腦科技有助於他們發展工作技能而能適當就業,電腦不僅是他們讀、寫的工具,且能有助於控制周遭環境。而多樣化的輸入方式讓身心障礙者更容易使用電腦。例如特製鍵盤、人因工程鍵盤、筆式輸入、語音辨識輸入、掃描辨識系統、特製滑鼠與軌跡球、程式指令、特製軟體,各種軟墊支撐系統如手肘與手腕、腳靠、工作桌椅等。若是沒有適當的輔助器具,嚴重者導致離職,程度較輕者容易引發不舒適或職業傷病。考量選購輔具可能較自行製作輔具符合時效與成本效益,因此,本文藉由整理電腦輔具之相關文獻,彙整出各種電腦輔具之適用情況與發展現況,並設計問卷訪視九位障礙程度不同的肢體障礙者。最後並參考 Anson(1997)選用電腦輔具之決策樹邏輯,發展電腦輔具資料庫系統,提供一套完整的評估流程,來引導評估案主的電腦操作特性,以得出適合案主需求的電腦輔具。另一方面資料庫也提供查詢功能,將電腦輔具分為文數字輸入、點選輸入、輸出、資訊處理與儲存、軟體五大類,各大類又細分為中類、小類,以利參考查詢。
Most office jobs already rely on computer technology. Hence they can easily be adapted to accommodate disabled people. Even many jobs on the factory floor might be redesigned so that a computer-able disabled worker could perform. To many disabled or handicapped persons, computer technology enables them to participate in job skills and engage in meaningful employment. The computer serves as a tool for them to perform reading and writing tasks and to control the environment. A variety of input device designs offer options for access to the computer and more efficient use of computers. These devices include customized mouse, trackball and keyboard, ergonomically designed keyboard, voice recognition system, scanner and optical recognition system, rate enhancement software, and a variety of arm- and wrist-positioning devices. The consequences of lacking appropriate assistive devices can be very serious such as quitting the job or suffering from various degrees of discomfort and pain. The current study provided extensive review of computer-related assistive devices and developed a database containing input devices for alphanumerical letters, pointing input devices, output devices, information processing and storage devices and software. The database also provided a decision support system for choosing appropriate computer-related devices based on the assessment outcomes of the user.
起訖頁 127-136
關鍵詞 電腦輔具資料庫職務再設計Computer-related assistive deviceDatabaseJob accommodation
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200306 (11:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 推展工作場所頸肩運動之成效:不同模式之評估
該期刊-下一篇 吊籠作業中安全穩固裝置吸盤式設計




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