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An Assessment of Vehicle Flame Arresters
作者 黃崇琦林永芬吳鴻鈞林木榮
工業上常有許多作業場所存有易燃蒸氣或氣體,依易燃氣體物質火災爆炸特性研究得知,除液化石油氣外,其他許多易燃蒸氣及氣體之最小著火能量都低於 1 毫焦耳,皆極易受作業場所機械設備轉動期間電場效應所產生的能量,及動力機械運轉所可能產生之火花引燃,故該類作業場所使用之原動力機械皆應採取防止產生火花引燃易燃氣體/蒸氣之必要措施。對於易燃物品有被火花引燃之虞的場所,也應預防動力機械所產生的火花掉落,引發火災。本研究蒐集並彙整歐、美、日各國排氣管熄燄器之相關規範;分析排氣管產生火花的兩種不同的機制與其防護原理,釐清火花防止器與滅燄器之差異,其中更完成甲烷、丙烷、丁烷、乙烯和 LPG 等於室溫及 150℃下之最大實驗安全間隙測試,分析市售之熄燄器效能,以利廠商選用適當的熄燄器。
Flammable gases and vapors exist in many working places in the process industry. According to research studies on fire and explosion properties of flammable gases and vapors, the minimum ignition energy of many non-petroleum flammable gases and vapors are less than 1 mJ. The probability of being ignited of such gases by power machine in the working place is very high. Consequently, measures for preventing sparks generated by engines are necessary. It is also necessary for places with flammable objects. This research work included collection of available guidelines, codes and related research on vechicle flame arresters used in Europe, America, and Japan. Sparks generation mechasnism from the exhaust pipe and mitigation principles were studied. Tests of maximum experimental safety gap (MESG) for methane, propane, butane, ethylene and LPG at room temperature and 150℃ were conducted. Effectiveness of truck flame arresters was evaluated and a guideline on flame arrester selection was provided as well.
起訖頁 153-161
關鍵詞 滅焰器火花防止器排氣管火災爆炸Flame arresterSpark arresterExhaust pipeFireExplosion
刊名 勞工安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 200206 (10:2期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 建築工程規劃設計安全考量技術
該期刊-下一篇 作業環境測定制度研究──化學性因子




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