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A change for vision –to review the quality of elder day care service in the sight of service users
作者 蔡惠雅張玉龍詹火生
以社區為基礎的支持照顧服務已成為各國推動長期照顧政策的目標,在此趨勢下,老人日間照顧服務迅速成長,成為社區服務體系中重要的一環,對於服務品質的要求與責信問題的重視也日趨受到關注,其中服務使用者扮演著服務品質中的核心要角,為深入瞭解服務使用者是如何表述其對於服務品質的經驗與想望,本研究以檢閱日間照顧及服務品質相關文獻為基礎,採取立意抽樣方式,針對桃竹苗地區日間照顧中心的20 位長者進行深度訪談,據此瞭解以服務使用者觀點為主體的品質樣貌與意涵,將服務品質的構面分為「個人回應層面--以人為本的個體價值面向」、「關係建構層面--緊密環扣的群體關係面向」以及「功能運作層面--多元視角的功能整合面向」,最後並提出建議,期以填補長久缺乏服務使用者視角之品質落差。
A community-based support and care service has become an objective for promoting long-term care policy in many countries. Under this trend, elder day care services have grown rapidly and thus become one of the most important parts in community service systems. The demands of service quality and the accountability have also been taken into consideration. The service user plays an essential role in service quality. To focus on how users express their experience and expectation, this study is based on reviewing day care and service quality-related documents, and purposive sampling is used to interview 20 elders in day care centers in Taoyuan-Hsinchu-Miaoli areas so as to understand users’ viewpoints about quality type and meaning. We divide the service quality into three concepts: “individual response concept- person-centred based value for an individual,” “relationship-building concept- a close community relationship,” and “function operation concept-the integration of multi-vision function.” At the end, we will give some advices to compensate for the long-term lack of quality gap of users’ vision.
起訖頁 1-46
關鍵詞 日間照顧社區照顧服務使用者服務品質day carecommunity careservice userservice quality
刊名 臺灣社區工作與社區研究學刊  
期數 201510 (5:2期)
出版單位 臺灣社區工作與社區研究學會
該期刊-下一篇 社區獨居老人社會照顧模式之研究:以台灣及日本在宅服務方案為例




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