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A Study of the 'One Belt, One Road' Grand Strategy and the Cross-Strait Economic and Trade Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation. Management
作者 溫在春汪明生
Mainland China's largest area of economic development is in the mid-western part which can connect the Central Asia to Europe. Mainland China can enhance its thinking and action of land power along the western areas of China to Europe to develop international economics and trade. Taking this initiative, in the eastern area which can connect the South China, India to Europe, it will help support its sea power and sea lines of communication. The grand strategy of 'One Belt, One Road' fully embraces the idea of sea power and land power. It includes the 'Silk Road Economic Belt and Maritime Silk Road'. It will become a major direction for Mainland China to develop international economics and trade. According to the 'One Belt, One Road' Strategy, more than twenty provinces and local governments in Mainland China have issued respective positions and key points to fully execute this grand strategy. Under the basis of the 1992 consensus, the Cross-Strait economic and trade cooperation in the fields of people's exchange, science, technology and innovation management are increasingly close. It has helped form a closer bond than previous decades between both sides. It has become one of the necessary strategies to enhance economics and the welfare of the people as a whole. By shelving the sovereignty dispute and adopting the model of 'Area to Area' and 'Point to Point' exchanges and cooperation, both sides can enhance bilateral relations. It also means that both sides can adopt the 'City to City Exchanges and Cooperation' to create a mutual benefit. It should be a macro strategy for the Cross-Strait relationship.
起訖頁 45-77
關鍵詞 地緣戰略一帶一路心臟地帶論海峽兩岸邊緣地帶論geopolitical strategy"One Belt, One Road"Heartland Theorythe Cross-StraitRimland Theory
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 201412 (15:2期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 房地產價格與生育行為之相關性研究:台灣實證資料之檢視
該期刊-下一篇 大陸社會變遷中民間組織行為模式之研究--以法輪功為例




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