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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
Effects of mathematic writing on problem-solving process of the middle-level 8th graders |
作者 |
黃麗紅、溫媺純、施皓耀 |
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在探討國中八年級中程度的學生在經過一個月的數學寫作教學活動之後,對其解一元二次方程式應用問題中解題能力與解題策略的影響。透過研究者自編之一元二次方程式應用問題測驗,於數學寫作教學活動前後實施。使用放聲思考法與事後晤談方式蒐集四位研究對象於一元二次方程式應用問題前後測的資料,並採用專家信度進行原案分析,以了解學生解題改變的情形。研究結果發現,數學寫作活動有助於提昇學生數學解題能力並改善學生的解題策略。 |
英文摘要 |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of mathematic writing on problem-solving process of 8th graders after implementing a month of writing-to-learn activities. This study utilized case-study research methods involving 4 students of middle level achievement. Student’s word problem test of quadratic equation was implemented at the beginning and the end of writing-to-learn activities. Qualitative data included four student’s pre-post problem-solving process documents by thinking-aloud procedure and interviews with four students. Findings from the study indicated that mathematic writing activities had a positive impact on middle-level students’ problem-solving abilities and was helpful to improve their problem-solving strategy. |
起訖頁 |
33-49 |
關鍵詞 |
數學寫作、數學解題、mathematic writing、problem solving |
刊名 |
臺灣數學教師 |
期數 |
200812 (16期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
利用螺旋變式課程設計“一題多解”理念培養准教師的數學興趣 |