英文摘要 |
The importance of the roles that recreation and entertainment play in our life couldn't be emphasized too much in this century. People need to take a rest and relax by participating in outdoor activities when they feel tried or under too much pressure. Most popular spots now are the hot spring areas. After taking a hot spring SPA, people feel recovered and spirited. However, too many visitors could do serious harm to the precious natural resources. Which means, not only how to evaluate if the hot spring water has been over-used, but the issue about how to maintain the touring quality in hot spring area are also important matters as worth studying. In this paper, we will take A case of the Environmental Sensitive Area of Baolai and Bulao Hot Spring Area in Kaohsiung County, particularly discussing the tendency on the variety of the number of the tourists and the ecological carrying capacity in this area. We are going to use ”ARIMA”, Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average Model, to predict the number of future tourists in this area. In combination with the analysis of the ecological carrying capacity, we can find out the most proper number of future tourists in Baolai and Bulao Area. It turns out that the number of the tourists in Baolai and Bulao Hot Spring Area tends to be increasing. The predicted number of the tourists amounts to 940000 in the year 2013. The main reason that limited the development of this area lies in the available quantity of spring water. The most proper capacity in Baolai and Bulao Area is predicted about 5020-10040 people per day. In other words, if we keep the number of tourists 5020-10040 per day, then we could probably maintain the touring quality and keep the balance of the ecological environment at the same time in Baolai and Bulao Hot Spring Area. |