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The Study on Development of Digital Contents for Prevent Falls Technology of Construction Hazards
作者 陳怡芳 (Yi-Fang Chen)陳宏亮陳宏志
教育正確的墜落災害防止知識,訓練作業勞工是營建安全重要工作之一,本研究擬以建構數位學習系統的方式,提供高空施工作業人員職前訓練數位學習課程,讓學習者不受實體環境與地點的限制,而且可以避免傳統教室教育訓練的各種缺失,於任何時間、任何地點及適當設備,就可輕易的完成教育訓練與危害告知的重要任務。數位學習環境的教材呈現方式、內容與來源,是數位學習成功的最重要關鍵因素之一。相較以往傳統教室中使用的教材更具有較高的設計彈性,因此數位教材可以更容易的以交互表徵(Reciprocal Representation)的文字、圖像、聲音、動畫模擬及按鈕控制等多元型態來呈現,以加強學習者對於學習內容的了解與印象,提高學習動機與興趣。研究中導入創新的改良式交互表徵教學策略(Extended Reciprocal Representation Instructional Strategy)的數位教材設計方法,開發多媒體互動活潑的創新數位教材,呈現給學習者瀏覽,以吸引學習者熱心投入學習活動之中。其次,本研究更將開發完成的創新數位教材,在上傳於數位學習管理平台(LMS)應用前,由國內專家學者進行教材品質評鑑分析,以確認教材品質的良窳。於下一階段實施數位學習時,將探討如何提高學習者學習的意願、增加學習的成效,讓營建業內所有高空施工作業人員快速的獲得正確的工業安全知識,並且能夠安全及順利的完成現場的高空施工作業,以達成工業安全教育中高空墜落零災害的最高目標。
One of the most important strategies for construction industrial safety is to train and transfer the positive knowledge of preventing construction hazards to all the technicians before and on construction in time. The presentation, contents and resources of digital contents are the most important key factor to assure the success of E-learning training. Furthermore, because the design of digital contents is more flexible than traditional one, the reciprocal representation instructional strategy of traditional contents design can be introduced in order to present reciprocally the letters, figures, audio, video, movie flash as well as interactive control buttons etc. in digital contents more possibly. Therefore, the learning efficiency and motivation of all the technicians can be raised subsequently. In this paper, the authors introduce innovative extended reciprocal representation instructional strategy to design and develop the multimedia digital contents instead of the traditional one for prevent falls technology of construction hazards E-Learning training courses in order to raise the learning motivation of construction technicians. In addition, before installing these innovative digital contents on the Learning Management System for E-learning training courses, the content quality evaluation analysis is carried out by four domestic experts in this paper. Thus, the better quality of contents is concluded from the statistically results. And then, the E-learning for construction hazards training will be carried out to improve on learning outcomes more effectively in the next phase. Therefore, construction technicians will learn the knowledge of construction safety more quickly and accurately. Finally, the expectations of zero construction hazards for preventing fall will be fulfilled more easily in the near future.
起訖頁 306-318
關鍵詞 墜落防護數位教材改良式交互表徵教學策略教材品質評鑑分析Fall PreventDigital ContentsExtended reciprocal representation instructional strategyContent Quality Evaluation Analysis
刊名 嘉南學報:科技類  
期數 200812 (34期)
出版單位 嘉南藥理大學
該期刊-上一篇 廢玻璃摻入可控制式低強度混凝土之配比研究
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣地區溫泉旅遊之生態承載量分析——以高雄縣寶來、不老溫泉區為例




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