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Assessment and Analysis of CO2 Reduction for Steel Industry in Taiwan-An Application of Input-Output Structural Decomposition Method
作者 張翊峰余元傑游智仁張家鳳吳嘉榮
The increment of steel industrial CO2 emission in 1981 to 2001 can be decomposed into four factors by using Divisia Index analysis: (1) the CO2 emission factor, (2) the industrial energy allocation (coefficient), (3) total energy intensity and (4) total production value. According the result of this study, the amount of CO2 emission increased 12.17 million tons during 1981 through 2001, it shows that the increment is caused by total production value mainly. Further, this study utilizes input-output (I-O) structural decomposition analysis to decompose total production value factor. Preliminary result shows that the change of domestic final demand and the export growth are primary factors of CO2 emission increment. In general, steel industry is classic high energy consumption and high CO2 emission sector. It is recommended that steel industry should keep improving research and development capability and employ Arc Steel-making process to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emission.
起訖頁 82-97
關鍵詞 二氧化碳排放迪式分解法投入產出結構因素分析CO2 EmissionDivisia IndexInput-Output I-O Structural Decomposition Analysis
刊名 嘉南學報:科技類  
期數 200612 (32期)
出版單位 嘉南藥理大學
該期刊-上一篇 膜厚、環氧樹脂/硬化劑當量比及冷卻方式對高分子分散液晶複合膜光電性質之影響
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣地區溫泉旅遊之生態承載量分析——以關子嶺風景區為例




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