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A Brief Introduction to Russian Textual Criticism
作者 陳仁姮
Differences in Geographic locations between Russia and Western Europe resulted in different historical developments and academic achievements. Even though Russian scholars had never experienced the biblical criticism in Western Europe since the Renaissance, another critical theory arose from the Russian chronicle study in the nineteenth century. This tradition of St. Petersburg historiography was inherited by Soviet scholar D. S. Likhachev, who combined it with editing works on methodology of formalism. After that, a new theory of textologiia was born. Chronicle study and editing publications could be combined, because text was the common object for both diaciplines, and both of them had long been using the Western textual criticism method. The purpose of textologiia is more than analyzing the wording, understanding the messages under the text to inderstand author's background, creative motivation, and central ideas are more crucial. The goal of textologiia was to make the text reflect the true history and culture, and a historical discourse different from the Marxism doctrine of the Soviet Union which had also been created. In addition to opposing the dominant political ideology, textologiia emphasized the author as the centere of the text, which further separating apart from formalism, structuralism, and semiotics.
起訖頁 291-313
關鍵詞 文本學文獻考證李哈裘夫聖彼得堡史學俄國形式主義TekstologiiaTextual CriticismD. S. LikhachevSt. Petersburg HistoriographyRussian Formalis
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201406 (46期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 薩爾問題:德法諒解及歐洲整合的關鍵




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