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The Evolution of the Spirit of Tea Competition in the Song Dynasty: A Discussion Based on Cai Xiang's Theory of Tea
作者 粘振和
The current understanding of ”Tea Competition” in the Song Dynasty is primarily based on Cai Xiang's Chalu. Yet, the ”Tea Competition” style in the Song Dynasty was gradually formed through the progression of history rather than becoming prevalent due to a classic. Thus, this study re-examines several important historical documents to explore the evolution of the style and spirit of ”Tea Competition” in the Song Dynasty. This study makes three discoveries. First, Fan Zhongyan's Response to Zhangmi's Tea Competition Poetry, written in 1034, reflects the understanding of ”Tea Competition” according to the scholar-bureaucrats in the Zhongyuan area before the mid-Northern Song Dynasty. It proves that before Cai Xiang's Chalu became a canon, ”Tea Competition” had already been a competition based on the quality of the tea leaf. Second, after the Qingli period of the Northern Song Dynasty, the White Tea leaf became popular in the Jian-An area, and with the promotion in Cai Xiang's Chalu, the White Tea leaf became precious throughout the entire country. Daguan Chalun, written by Emperor Huizong, promoted the White Tea leaf to its peak, i.e., the White Tea leaf was deemed to be the best and that ”Tea Competition” should be a competition of ”pure white” leaf. Yet, such promotion was questionable since it had no direct relation to the quality of the tea leaf. Third, the case of ”Tea Competition” between Cai Xiang and Su Shunyuan showed that the Song people prepared their own water to make tea and tried to influence the result of the competition, thereby creating an impression that ”Tea Competition” was a competition not only of tea leaf, but also of water. Therefore Tang Geng, in his Douchaji, introduces a standard for the competition: only ”Longtang Water” could be used for the competition. He thus restored the original spirit of ”Tea Competition,” i.e., as a competition based on the quality of the tea leaf, not a competition involving the skill of making tea.
起訖頁 175-198
關鍵詞 鬥茶范仲淹蔡襄茶文化Tea CompetitionFan ZhongyanCai XiangTea Culture
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201112 (41期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 Joachim Schouw的植物地理學理念:一個洪堡式科學的丹麥個案
該期刊-下一篇 近百年梅州地區的道教:以呂帝廟為探討中心




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