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Urbanization and Change in Folk Religion: For the Zen-An Shrine, YunLin County in the 90s
作者 三尾裕子
Based on a series of field studies on the Zen-An shrine, Yunlin county in the 90s, the impact of urbanization on the local folk religion in Taiwan were investigated and discussed. Worshipping ”5 year Wang-Yeh,” the believers of Zen-An shrine were extended after 70s and dramatically increased after 90s, but the local population of Yunlin county were actually decreased since 60s. This is partially due to the industrialization and urbanization starting from 60s. The population was shifted from agricultural counties such as Chiayi and Yunlin to urban areas, which brought back more believers especially in 90s. To reveal the reason for the population feedback of its believers, several believers were visited for their experience and consideration. Some of them even have no regional relationship with the shrine. They generally believe that it is the ”5 year Wang-Yeh” who made them live peacefully, wealthily and healthily and there must be some special and delicate relation, the karma, exited between them. Naturally, the regional relationship is no more important for them.
起訖頁 203-222
關鍵詞 都市化民間信仰五年王爺雲林縣鎮安宮UrbanizationFolk Religion5 year Wang-YehYunLin countyZen-An shrine
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201012 (39期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣道教合符童子科儀之形成的初步探討




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