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A Rudimentary Research on the Formation of the Sending off the Dispatch Lads (Ho-fu t'ung-tzu 合符童子) Rite in Taiwanese Daoism
作者 山田明廣
Taiwanese Daoism has several kinds of sects such as Red-head Daoist masters 紅頭道士, Black-head Daosit masters 鳥頭道士, ch'an-ho 禪和 sect and so on. Daoist masters of each sect live basically in the area where the ethnic group with the same ancestral home inhabits dominantly, and engage in the religious activities related to them depending on their own Daoist manners handed down through generations. The focus of this paper, the Sending off the Dispatch Lads Rite, is a part of Daoist rite performed in the death ritual commonly called ”kung-tê (功德 the Ritual of Merit),” and this Ritual of Merit is performed by Black-head Daosit masters, who are mainly distributed over south-central region of Taiwan. The main content of the Sending off the Dispatch Lads Rite is that the Daoist masters liberate the deceased from the hell, by sending twelve lads to the hell of each charge and making them confess the deceased's sins. In the actual practice of this rite, the only one kind of dispatch named ”symbol-orders of lads (t'ung-tzu fu 童子符)” is used. However, this dispatch can unite with another kind of dispatch named ”symbol-orders of hells (ti-yü fu 地獄符)”, which is used during the Anouncement (fa-piao 發表) Rite performed in the earlier part of the Ritual of Merit, and through this union, they can be one tally. In the concept of this rite, it is assumed that the twelve lads sent to the hell unite these two kinds of dispatch to prove their legitimacy. This is why the Chinese name of this rite has two characters of ”合符 (Ho-fu: Uniting the Symbols)” in the beginning. It seems that this rite has close connection with the important issues of Daoist studies such as the meaning of uniting symbols, the role of lads and the concept of sins in Daoist rituals, so this rite seems worth researching deeper. Therefore, through firstly describing specific contents and meanings of the Sending off the Dispatch Lads Rite and dispatches used in this rite which can be observed in Tainan 台南 region, then making analyses to some related rituals and dispatches in old Daoist ritual books, and finally comparing these findings of the two studies above, this paper makes a rudimentary research on the formation of this Sending off the Dispatch Lads Rite. The study findings in this paper suggest that the Sending off the Dispatch Lads Rite in Taiwan has been formed in the process that the ”Uniting the Symbols,” originally performed by lads during the Destruction of Hell 破獄 Rite in Song Dynasty 宋朝, was transplanted in the Lads Rite 童子科formed in Song Dynasty, according to its subsequent changes.
起訖頁 177-202
關鍵詞 道教烏頭道士功德合符童子科儀文書DaoismBlack-head Daosit mastersthe Ritual of Meritthe Sending off the Dispatch Lads Ritethe Dispatch
刊名 成大歷史學報  
期數 201012 (39期)
出版單位 國立成功大學歷史學系
該期刊-上一篇 一貫道的傳播模式與分裂初探--兼論興毅組及其基興單位的發展與分裂
該期刊-下一篇 都市化與民間信仰實踐主體的變貌--以1990年代雲林縣馬鳴山鎮安宮為例




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