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A Study of the Important Factors of Professional Empowerment of Teachers in Excellent Teaching Teams in Aboriginal Schools-A Case Study of the Teldreka Potential Development Team
作者 鍾莉娜
As the environment changes, so does the teaching systems. No matter how the education policy changes, the teaching effects always play the leading role. An aboriginal junior high school in the remote area in Kaohsiung, the "Teldreka Potential Development Team," won the Excellent Teacher Award from the MOE in 2008. Their winning changed the stereotype on aboriginal schools and teachers. The process and implications of their success are worth investigating. In this article, "Teldreka Potential Development Team was used as an example to explore the important factors of professional empowerment of teachers in excellent teaching teams in aboriginal schools through in-depth interview. The results indicate that three important factors influence professional empowerment of teachers. First, principals with supreme leadership and excellent teachers are required. The leadership styles of the principals or the section directors, the support from the principals, teachers' sense of calling, team respect, communication, and professional expertise are all important. Second, aboriginal schools need to emphasize the development of aboriginal culture. For instance, aboriginal culture and local lives can be combined. The works for science exhibitions should be life-related. Traditional skills need to be more artistic. Third, inspiration and teaching transforms are the important factors as well. For example, the effects of the teaching teams should be encouraged. The sense of identity and cooperation from the community and parents are necessary. Teaching inheriting and innovation are vital. In conclusion, the effectiveness of teachers' professional empowerment is the combination of "ability," "opportunity," and "will." The professional expertise of the excellent teaching teams depends on the whole-hearted participation of the principal, the teachers, and the students so that vision of education and teaching effectiveness can be created.
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 原住民學校教師專業增能教學卓越團隊魯凱族aboriginal schoolsteachers' professional empowermentexcellent teaching teamsrukai
刊名 台灣原住民族研究  
期數 201506 (8:2期)
出版單位 東華大學原住民民族學院
該期刊-下一篇 初探當代台灣原住民社群支持型農業發展之社會鑲嵌意義




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