中文摘要 |
本文描述一位因意外事故而導致雙手腕截肢患者,面對身體功能受損及心理衝擊過程之護理經驗。筆者為患者住院期間之主護護理師,照護期間以觀察、會談、身體評估、查閱病歷等方式收集資料,並運用羅氏適應模式,進行整體性的評估,確立患者有身體心像紊亂、睡眠型態紊亂、自我照顧能力缺失等健康問題。護理過程中筆者以傾聽、主動關懷來接納患者心中感受,並且在家屬配合下,協助患者面對截肢的事實,進而取用周邊簡易器具,協助執行日常生活的活動,使患者更快適應截肢後的生活。希望藉此護理經驗的分享,能提供護理人員重視截肢患者身體、心理調適狀態,以及照護方法,用以參考。The article documented the experience of a primary nurse caring for a patient to overcome the difficulty (physically and psychologically) to be self sufficient after losing both arms in an accident. The author was the primary nurse of the patient. The author documented his experiences and methods that were used to care the patient. For instance, the interaction between him and the patient, some of the patient’s medical records, his usage of Roy’s adaptation model, disturbed sleen pattern of the patient during the recovery process, the patient’s adaptability to function as a normal person, work with the family members in order to teach the patient how to be self-efficient, etc. The author wrote this article, intending to share the wealth of experience he gained after treating an amputee both physically and psychologically with other medical professionals who also have interest in improving the life quality of the amputees. |