中文摘要 |
以客為尊的服務理念,已由一般服務業,擴及到醫療保健的服務機構,而第一線工作人員服務態度,更是影響到「顧客」所感受到的服務品質。故本專案旨在改善護理人員的服務禮儀。經查訪後得知護理人員在提供病患及家屬服務時,有談話語氣不佳、缺乏主動性協助及服務儀表不符規定等問題,急需改善。經小組成員分析後發現護理人員在服務禮儀方面,不知如何應對,病患家屬常有許多不同的問題,工作人員不知如何解答。為了改善上述問題,本專案採用的解決辦法有:實施在職教育訓練、建立定期稽核制度、制訂病患及家屬服務禮儀處理應對手冊,並將常見問題列出,訂出統一的回答方式;另定期舉行服務禮儀競賽及考核建立等。經介入方案實施後,護理人員的電話應對禮儀滿意度由原65.9分提升至92.7分;「基本態度」滿意度由原61.4分提升至85.4分;「服務儀態」由原87.1分提升至97.2分。前後收集的兩組資料檢定出有顯著差異(p<.05),專案目的達成。而此服務禮儀專案之推動亦證實心理行為學家所稱之「知識-態度-行為(Knowledge-Attitude-Practice)」改變的論點。The service concept of showing respect to customers has spread from general service industrias to medical care and health services. The service attitude of the first-line personnel has a great influence on the service quality that customers felt. The reformed project aimed at improving the service propriety of nursing personnel. Through an actual survey, we did find some problems that urgently required improvement. When nursing personnel provided services to patients and their relatives, including talking in a bad tone, lack of spontaneous aid and service, appearing nonconformist to the regulation, etc. The team members analyzed and found out that nursing personnel had little idea of how to respond to various questions and resolve the problems of the patients and their relatives. The solving ways included: to update periodical auditing system, to hold on-job education training of service courtesy and looks, to estrblish standardized responding handbook to answer patient’s and relatives’ frequent questions, to sposor service courtesy and attitude contest, and to renew auditing system. The results of interventions were statistically significant (p<.05), for instance, the threshold value of phone response was upgraded from 65.9 to 92.7, the basis attitude was 61.4 to 85.4, service courtesy was 87.1 to 97.2 . It did in accordance with the knowledge-attitude-practice (KAP) change theory. |